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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

So beherrschen Sie den Himmel rund um die Uhr! Ein Fernsehsender, Sky ist die Grenze mit unserem exklusiven Geschäftsangebot!


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Liebe Unternehmer und Geschäftsinhaber,
Verwirklichen Sie Ihre TV-Senderträume mit unserem Cloud-basierten Eigentumsprogramm!

Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Unternehmen einem potenziellen Publikum von 440 Millionen Zuschauern zu präsentieren? Das TV Channel Expansion Program bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich mit zwei der weltweit größten TV-Netzwerke zu verbinden – Roku und Amazon Fire TV! Jetzt können Sie Ihren eigenen TV-Kanal zu einem für alle erschwinglichen Preis einrichten.

📺 Connected TV verstehen:

Connected TV, auch Online-TV genannt, ermöglicht das Fernsehen über das Internet. Dazu gehören Smart-TVs, Smart-Geräte, Mobiltelefone und Tablets, die eine neue Ära des Fernsehens einläuten, die das traditionelle Kabelfernsehen übertrifft. Die Möglichkeiten sind riesig und Sie können sie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen!

💡 Wie funktioniert es?

Durch unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Amazon Fire TV und Roku können Sie Ihre Marke einem breiten Publikum präsentieren. Diese Branchenführer erreichen zusammen über 440 Millionen aktive monatliche Zuschauer! Roku und Amazon halten einen beeindruckenden Anteil von 80 % am Connected-TV-Markt, wobei jeder Zuschauer durchschnittlich 50 Stunden pro Monat verbraucht – eine phänomenale Reichweite für Ihr Unternehmen.

📈 Lassen Sie die Statistiken sprechen:

Der „State of the Streaming TV Industry Report“ von Conviva hebt das bemerkenswerte Wachstum des weltweiten TV-Streamings hervor. Roku behauptet seine Führungsposition mit einem konstanten Anteil von 40 %, während Amazon Fire TV eine beeindruckende Wachstumsrate von etwa 500 % vorweisen kann.

🚀 Ihre Vorteile:

Zugriff auf zwei TV-Plattformgiganten: Roku und Amazon Fire TV.
Umfassende Einrichtung, Verwaltung und laufende Verwaltung Ihres TV-Senders.
Keine Arbeitsbelastung für Sie oder Ihr Team – wir kümmern uns um alle Aspekte.
🎯 Wer kann davon profitieren?

Sport, Events und Shows.
Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen.
Bastler und Enthusiasten.
Reise- und Tourismusunternehmen.
Unterhaltungsaktivitäten wie Theaterstücke, Veranstaltungen und Musik.

💰 Außerhalb der Reichweite:

Ihr Unternehmen wird nicht nur seine Reichweite vergrößern, sondern auch Glaubwürdigkeit aufbauen und schneller Partnerschaften aufbauen. Mit unserer Unterstützung bei der Vermarktung Ihrer Inhalte und Geschäftsthemen sind Sie auf ein beschleunigtes Wachstum vorbereitet.

🌐 Innovative Möglichkeiten:

Sichern Sie Werbeverträge, schließen Sie globale Partnerschaften und erreichen Sie ein breiteres Publikum mit zweisprachigen oder internationalen Kanälen. Steigern Sie das Image und die Identität Ihrer Marke und positionieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen an der Spitze Ihrer Branche.

🌍Globale Exposition und virales Potenzial:

Ihre Inhalte können ein weltweites Publikum auf Amazon Fire TV und Roku sowie bei Branchenriesen erreichen. Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihren Kanal durch gezielte Werbung auf Plattformen wie LinkedIn, TikTok, Google und Facebook aufzuwerten – schon ab einem budgetfreundlichen Tarif von 30 Euro pro Tag!

📹 Nahtlos sozial und dennoch mit TV-Reichweite:

Keine aufwändige Ausrüstung oder teure Studios erforderlich. Sie können Ihre Facebook- und YouTube-Videos nutzen, sofern Sie die vollständigen Rechte daran besitzen. Ob Sie Produkte, Objekte oder Ihre Persönlichkeit inszenieren, Sie haben die Wahl. Von einfachen Videos bis hin zu hochwertigen Produktionen liegt alles in Ihrer Hand.

🌐 Vollständige Kontrolle über Ihre Inhalte:

Sie haben die Freiheit, Ihre Inhalte nach Ihren Wünschen zu gestalten – von poliert bis authentisch. Das Hosting ist all-inclusive, ohne zusätzliche Kosten. Senden Sie uns Ihre neuen Videos einfach wöchentlich oder monatlich mit einem Klick an unsere Server, wir kümmern uns um den Rest.

🎥 Stressfreies Content-Management – ​​wir stehen Ihnen zur Seite:

Wenn Ihnen eigene Videos oder Inhalte fehlen, können Sie auf unsere umfangreiche Bibliothek mit über 20 Millionen Stücken im Creative Commons- und Public Domain-Bereich zugreifen. Es war noch nie so einfach, qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte für Ihren TV-Kanal zu sichern.

💡 Problemlos, sorgenfrei:

Es ist so einfach, wie es sich anhört – senden Sie uns einfach Ihre Videos. Wir platzieren sie auf Abruf auf Ihrem Kanal und sind für Ihre Zuschauer jederzeit zugänglich. Kein Hosting-Stress, keine technischen Herausforderungen – wir kümmern uns um alles, während Sie sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren: Ihr Geschäft.

Nutzen Sie jetzt diese Chance! Jetzt Angebot freischalten 👉 Click here for the Offer

Ihr Erfolg beginnt hier – DFBO macht es möglich!

verwandte Anfragen

böser Business-Mensch im Anzug, Business as Usual Deutsch, Was ist Roadget Business Pte. GmbH Hermes, PayPal-Geschäftsgebühren, Audi Business Innovation GmbH, Dazn-Geschäft, Himmelsgeschäft, Business Case erstellen, lässiger Business-Look, Etihad Business Class, esb Business School, Business-Punk, Betriebswirtschaftsstadion, WhatsApp-Geschäftskonto, Geschäftssinn, Firmennamengenerator, Etihad, Business-Service-Portal, n26 Business-Konto, Sitzguru, Lufthansa Business Lounge Frankfurt, Google-Suchkonsole, Bereichsleiter, PN-Geschäft, tägliches Geschäft,

Monday, February 12, 2024

How to Own the Skies 24/7! A TV Channel, Sky’s the Limit with Our Exclusive Business Proposal!


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Dear Entrepreneurs and Business Owners,

Are you ready to showcase your business to the eyes of 440 million viewers? The TV Channel Expansion Program allows you to connect with two of the world's largest TV networks – Roku and Amazon Fire TV! Now you can present your own TV channel, and at a price that truly EVERYONE can afford.


Connected TV, also known as Online TV, opens up the world of television over the internet. This includes Smart TVs, Smart Devices, mobile phones, and tablets – a new era of television that surpasses traditional cable TV. The potential is enormous, and you can now capitalize on it!


Thanks to our partnership with Amazon Fire TV and Roku, you can present yourself to a massive audience. These giants collectively reach over 440 million active monthly viewers! Roku and Amazon hold an impressive 80% share of the Connected TV market. Each viewer watches an average of 50 hours monthly – an incredible reach for your business.


Manuel Zuri, Founder and CEO of DFBO, recounts an overwhelming experience: "What we saw at DFBO was overwhelming! We had an idea! What happened next changes lives and is very FAST!"

Manuel Zuri, owner of a SaaS and marketing firm, shares his knowledge, enabling people of all ages and skills to run their own TV channel and reach a global audience.


Conviva's "State of the Streaming TV Industry Report" shows impressive growth in global TV streaming. Roku remains the leader with a steady share of 40%, while Amazon Fire TV impresses with about 500% growth.


Two TV platform giants: Roku and Amazon Fire TV.

Complete setup, management, and long-term administration of the TV channel.

Zero work for you or your staff – we take care of everything.

Present yourself alongside the likes of Tagesschau, RTL, CNN, FOX, DISNEY and strengthen your branding.

Elevate your prestige and reach new heights in your industry.


Sports, events, and shows

Businesses of all kinds

News organizations

Music and festivals

Schools, universities, and educators

Hobbyists and enthusiasts

Travel and tourism

Entertainment in the form of plays, events, and music


Your business will not only achieve massive reach but also convince larger partners and engage faster in partnerships and collaborations. With our support for the marketing of your content and business topics, you are on the fast track.


Secure advertising deals, land global partnerships, and reach an even larger audience with your bilingual or international channel. Your image and branding will be significantly elevated, propelling your business into the top league of your industry.


Your content can be presented worldwide on Amazon Fire TV and Roku alongside industry giants. We even offer the opportunity to boost your channel through targeted advertising on platforms like LinkedIn, TikTok, Google, and Facebook – starting at a budget as low as 30 euros per day!

👉 Click here for the Offer


Never has it been so easy, cost-effective, and direct to reach such a large number of people. Connected TV users are highly engaged, and with our revolutionary system, your path to success is easier than ever. No more worrying about traffic or paying for it.


No film crew, no expensive studio, and no hosts unless you want them. Utilize even your Facebook and YouTube videos, provided you own the full rights to them. Whether showcasing your products, objects, or just your personality – it's entirely up to you. Create the simplest videos or go for high-quality productions; the choice is in your hands.


You have the freedom to shape your content as you wish – whether high-quality and polished or authentic and raw. Simplest videos are already sufficient. Hosting is completely inclusive; you pay no additional costs. Send us your new videos weekly or monthly with a click to our servers, and we'll take care of all the work for you.


If you don't have your own videos or content, you can tap into our extensive list. It includes resources of over 20 million content pieces (Videos, Images, Movies, Clips, Audio etc.) in the Creative Commons and Public Domain, which you can seamlessly use for your channel.

Never has it been so easy to secure high-quality content for your TV channel.


It's truly as simple as it sounds – you have nothing else to do but send us your videos. The videos will then be placed on your channel on demand and are accessible anytime for your viewers. No hosting stress, no technical challenges – we handle that while you can focus on the essentials: your business.

Seize this opportunity now! BEFORE THE MARKET SATURATES!

👉 Click here for the Offer

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Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Natural Approach: Using Lizard Tail to Naturally Heal and Strengthen Your Joints - A How-to Guide

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Hey, if you're curious about how lizards naturally repair their tails, check out this video [Natural Remedies: Eliminate Joint Pain in 7 Days with This Video Guide] to see it in action! In the end, dealing with joint pain is a lot like a lizard fix its tail – it takes patience and care. By trying out these simple tips and treating your joints with kindness, you can start feeling better and moving easier, just like nature intended. So take a clue from the lizards and give your joints some love – they'll thank you for it!

Joint pain can really slow you down and make life tough. It happens to a lot of people and can make moving around feel hard. But there are natural things you can do to help, and it's kind of like how lizards can fix their tails when they get hurt – pretty amazing, right? Let's talk about six simple ways you can ease joint pain and feel better, just like a lizard repairs its tail.

1. Move Your Body Regularly: Like how lizards wiggle around to stay active and heal, moving your body with exercises like walking, swimming, or gentle yoga can help your joints feel better. It's like giving them a little stretch and support.

2. Keep a Healthy Weight: Just as lizards need to stay light to move easier, keeping a healthy weight can take some pressure off your joints. Eating good foods and staying active can help you feel better all around.

3. Eat Foods That Fight Inflammation: Think of foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, and fish as your joint helpers. They have good stuff in them that fights inflammation, which is like the body's way of saying, "Hey, I'm hurting here!"

4. Drink Plenty of Water: Like how lizards need water to stay healthy, your joints need hydration too. Drinking enough water helps them stay smooth and happy, so keep sipping throughout the day.

5. Try Natural Helpers: There are some cool natural helpers out there, kind of like how lizards use their special skills. Things like glucosamine, turmeric, and fish oil can help calm your joints and make them feel better.

6. Relax and Take It Easy: Stress can make everything feel worse, including joint pain. Taking time to chill out, breathe deeply, or meditate can help your body and mind feel better. It's like giving your joints a little break to heal up.

Discover six natural ways to ease joint pain and feel better naturally, just like how lizards repair their tails. Explore simple tips to promote joint health, including exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, eating anti-inflammatory foods, staying hydrated, trying natural supplements, and practicing relaxation techniques. Watch a video to learn more about how lizards naturally repair their tails in a way to imitate naturally and embark on a journey towards improved mobility and comfort.

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The Top 5 Nutritional Benefits of Yuca Root You Need to Know

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Discover the versatility and nutritional benefits of exploring yuca root, a staple ingredient with endless possibilities.

Have you ever heard of yuca root, also known as cassava? If not, you're in for a delightful discovery! Yuca root is a versatile and nutritious staple in many cultures around the world, offering a range of culinary possibilities and health benefits.

First things first, what exactly is yuca root? Yuca is a starchy tuberous root native to South America but widely cultivated and enjoyed across the globe. It's a dietary staple for millions of people in tropical regions, prized for its rich flavor and nutritional value.

One of the most appealing aspects of yuca root is its versatility in the kitchen. From savory dishes to sweet treats, yuca can be used in various culinary creations. It can be boiled, mashed, fried, or baked, offering endless possibilities for delicious meals and snacks.

Yuca root is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. It's a good source of carbohydrates, providing energy to fuel your body throughout the day. Additionally, yuca contains fiber, which supports digestive health and helps you feel full and satisfied after meals.

One popular way to enjoy yuca is by making yuca fries or chips. Simply slice the yuca root into thin strips, toss them in olive oil and your favorite seasonings, and bake them until crispy. The result? A tasty and nutritious alternative to traditional potato fries.

Another beloved dish featuring yuca is yuca con mojo, a Cuban-inspired recipe where yuca is boiled until tender and then dressed with a tangy garlic and citrus sauce. It's a flavorful and satisfying dish that's perfect for sharing with family and friends.

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But yuca isn't just delicious—it's also an important part of cultural traditions and celebrations. In many Latin American countries, yuca plays a central role in holiday feasts and special occasions, symbolizing abundance, prosperity, and togetherness.

In addition to its culinary uses, yuca root has also been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Some studies suggest that yuca may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it potentially beneficial for overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, yuca root, also known as cassava, is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that deserves a place in your kitchen. Whether you're looking to explore new flavors or add a healthy twist to your favorite recipes, yuca offers endless possibilities for culinary creativity and enjoyment. So why not give it a try and discover the delicious world of yuca for yourself? 

Natural Remedies: Eliminate Joint Pain in 7 Days with This Video Guide

Related queries:

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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Discover Luxury: Women's Wendalin Coat

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Wrap yourself in sophistication and style with the Women's Wendalin Coat. Crafted from 100% wool, this captivating charcoal oatmeal combo piece promises luxury and comfort. With meticulous attention to detail and care instructions as simple as "dry clean only," it's a symbol of refined taste and exquisite craftsmanship. Elevate any ensemble effortlessly and leave a lasting impression wherever you go

Wrap yourself in sheer elegance and timeless style with the Women's Wendalin Coat. Available in a captivating charcoal oatmeal combo, this coat is a masterpiece of sophistication and allure.

Crafted from 100% wool, the coat promises both luxury and comfort, ensuring you stay warm and stylish throughout the season. Its two-toned design adds a contemporary edge, making it a standout piece in any fashionista's collection.

With care instructions as simple as "dry clean only," maintaining the coat's pristine appearance is effortless, allowing you to enjoy its beauty for years to come.

Imported with meticulous attention to detail, the Women's Wendalin Coat is more than just outerwear – it's a symbol of refined taste and exquisite craftsmanship. Whether you're strolling through city streets or attending a glamorous event, this coat effortlessly elevates any ensemble, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.

Indulge in luxury, embrace sophistication, and let the Women's Wendalin Coat be your statement piece this season. Experience the thrill of timeless fashion and discover the allure of true elegance.

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Sparkle with Confidence: The Women's Short-Sleeve All-Over Sequin Gown

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Explore the enchanting world of the Women's Short-Sleeve All Over Sequin Gown in this captivating blog post. Discover how this gown radiates elegance and allure, elevating every occasion with its timeless charm. Delve into the craftsmanship behind its exquisite design and uncover the sense of empowerment it instils in those who wear it. From glamorous galas to quiet evenings under the stars, this gown transcends trends, serving as a beacon of confidence and grace. Step into a realm of sophistication and let your inner light shine brighter than ever before with the Women's Short-Sleeve All-Over Sequin Gown.

Have you ever felt like a walking dream, draped in a gown that glistens and glimmers with every step you take? Close your eyes and imagine slipping into the Women's Short-Sleeve All Over Sequin Gown. It's not just an outfit; it's an invitation to immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where every sequin tells a story of elegance and allure.

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Picture this: You're entering a room, and all eyes are drawn to you. The Women's Short-Sleeve All Over Sequin Gown adorns you with its radiant charm, catching the light and casting a spell of sophistication wherever you go. It's not simply a garment; it's a manifestation of your unique charisma and grace.

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What makes this gown truly remarkable is its adaptability. It's not confined to grand events alone; it's a symbol of celebration for life's every moment. Whether you're attending a glamorous gala, swaying to the rhythm at a wedding, or relishing a quiet evening under the stars, this gown elevates every occasion with its timeless elegance.

But let's delve deeper into how it makes you feel. As you slip into the gown, you're enveloped in a sense of empowerment and self-assurance. Its exquisite design serves as a reminder of your inner strength and beauty. It's more than just a dress; it's an embodiment of your inner radiance, a testament to your individuality.

Let's not overlook the craftsmanship behind the gown. Each sequin is meticulously placed, each stitch infused with dedication, resulting in a masterpiece that resonates with your essence. It's a labor of love, a manifestation of the craftsmanship and passion that define true artistry.

What's most captivating about the Women's Short-Sleeve All Over Sequin Gown is its enduring appeal. It transcends fleeting trends, standing as a beacon of timeless sophistication, no matter the era or occasion.

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So, the next time you adorn yourself with this gown, remember: you're not just wearing fabric; you're embodying a dream. You're stepping into a realm of grace and elegance, where every movement is a testament to your unique style and allure.

In a world that's ever-evolving, this gown serves as a reminder of the enduring allure of confidence and charm. So embrace the radiance of this exquisite garment, and let your inner light shine brighter than ever before.


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Embracing the AI Revolution: A Human-Centric Approach to Tech Industry Transformation


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In the dynamic landscape of the tech industry, the recent pivot towards artificial intelligence (AI) has triggered a seismic shift in business strategies among tech giants. This transformation is fueled by the growing demand for AI-powered solutions across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. However, as companies embrace AI, it has not been without consequences, particularly in terms of job cuts and the restructuring of traditional roles. This article explores the multifaceted impact of the AI revolution on employment, the burstiness of the tech industry, and the broader implications of this technological transformation.


The Pivot Towards AI: Catalyst for Change


The rise of AI has become a catalyst for change within tech companies, compelling them to reevaluate and realign their operations. This shift is driven by the recognition of AI's potential to revolutionize industries, enhance efficiency, and unlock new possibilities. As companies increasingly prioritize AI development and integration, traditional job roles are being phased out, leading to widespread restructuring and job cuts.


The Impact on Employment: Navigating Uncertainty


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The embrace of AI has inevitably resulted in significant job cuts within the tech industry. Companies, in their pursuit of staying competitive, are shedding thousands of jobs to make way for AI-centric roles. This has created a wave of perplexity and uncertainty among employees and the general public. Traditional job roles are being replaced by positions that demand AI expertise, leaving many workers in a state of flux.


However, it is crucial to recognize that these job cuts, while causing short-term disruptions, are part of a larger transformation. The evolving nature of technology necessitates adaptability, and employees must navigate this period of uncertainty by upskilling and acquiring the necessary expertise to thrive in the changing tech landscape.


Burstiness in the Tech Industry: Adapting to Rapid Change

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The tech industry is inherently characterized by burstiness, where rapid technological advancements lead to sudden and dramatic changes in the market. The pivot towards AI exemplifies this burstiness as companies strive to adapt swiftly to stay competitive. This rapid pace of change requires a nimble approach, both from companies and individuals, to harness the opportunities presented by the AI revolution.


Despite the challenges posed by job cuts, the burstiness of the tech industry also brings forth innovation and novel opportunities. The constant evolution of technology demands continuous learning and adaptation, creating an environment where creativity and forward-thinking are rewarded.


The Technological Revolution: Beyond Job Cuts


While job cuts may dominate headlines, it is essential to recognize the broader implications of the AI revolution. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, drive innovation, and reshape the way businesses operate. Beyond the immediate disruptions, the long-term benefits of AI include enhanced efficiency, optimized processes, and the unlocking of new possibilities across various sectors.


Harnessing the Power of AI: Transforming Industries


AI technologies can streamline operations, deliver personalized experiences to customers, and make breakthroughs in areas such as predictive analytics and autonomous systems. Companies that embrace AI can position themselves as leaders in their respective industries by leveraging these technologies to drive innovation and efficiency.


Embracing Change: Opportunities for Growth


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In the face of transformative shifts, employees and job seekers must adapt to the changing landscape of the tech industry. The demand for individuals with AI expertise is on the rise, presenting new opportunities for those willing to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. Embracing change involves a commitment to continuous learning and a proactive approach to upskilling.


Companies, too, play a crucial role in facilitating this transition by investing in employee training programs and fostering a culture that encourages innovation and adaptability. Embracing change is not just a necessity; it is an opportunity for both individuals and companies to thrive in the era of technological disruption.


Conclusion: A Human-Centric Approach to the AI Revolution


In conclusion, the pivot towards AI by tech companies represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of the industry. While job cuts may be disconcerting, the broader implications of this transformation signal a new era of technological innovation and progress. Embracing AI not only reshapes the business strategies of tech companies but also presents individuals with the chance to be part of a technological revolution that will redefine the future of work and industry.


It is crucial to approach the AI revolution with a human-centric perspective, acknowledging the challenges posed by job cuts while emphasizing the opportunities for growth and innovation. AI is not just a technological advancement; it is a transformative force that reshapes the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. By embracing the human touch in this technological revolution, we can ensure that AI becomes a tool for positive change, driving progress and improving the lives of individuals and communities worldwide.


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Embracing the AI Revolution: A Human-Centric Approach to Tech Industry Transformation